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AngularJS trends in 2017

There indeed are varied frameworks which are utilized by the professional programmers for developing websites. Among the many AngularJS website development services is one of the leading frameworks utilized by the developers for its simple development and testing techniques. Angular JS is widely popular framework amongst the available JavaScript frameworks. Within a short time, this framework has gained wide popularity.

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AngularJS Web Development Company widely appreciate Angular JS for creating feature-rich and attractive websites. Angular JS is helpful for the developers for maintaining web infrastructures easily and comfortably.

AngularJS is built on MVC architecture which is useful in designing rich internet applications. AngularJS follows the basic HTML as well as offers extension which in result makes the website responsive and dynamic.

It had three big advantages that made people love it:
  • Code production was incomparably fast
  • Every piece of application was easily testable
  • Google was behind the project

There are other things that make Angular so good for programmers. The first is two-way data binding. Angular give permission you to see data changed in JavaScript to be reflected automatically in the UI. This is easier to develop at the beginning because no more coding was required except for linking a proper controller to the part of HTML. The second benefit that Angular brings to programmers is directives.

AngularJS is a great method to kickstart an app or MVP. With a growing popularity features coming to the core, the Angular team decided to rewrite the original framework, introducing Angular 2. Views for Angular 2 and AngularJS is that they share only one thing: the name. There is a migration path, which called ng-upgrade, from AngularJS to Angular 2. However, Angular 2 is still a brand new framework sharing only some concepts of its predecessor.

In angular 2 the whole concept of application structure has changed. Previously it was the MVC framework that allowed you to create applications in the pattern of rather tightly coupled entities like controllers, views, services, etc.


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